Treatment of prostatitis in men what drugs

Prostatitis is a fairly common disease in the stronger sex. For treatment in most cases, drugs for prostatitis are used. With their help, the causes and symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

Treatment characteristics

There are a variety of drugs that are used to treat prostatitis. Before treating the disease with their help, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The most effective drugs

Many people ask: what drugs are used for prostatitis? Treatment is with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. With the help of these drugs, prostatitis is eliminated. The treatment is carried out in one course. It is also necessary to use alpha-blockers. Men are advised to drink antispasmodics to eliminate symptoms. Despite the drugs that eliminate the causes of the disease, the obligatory drugs are muscle relaxants. The use of immunostimulants is also recommended. With the help of these drugs for the treatment of prostatitis and the increase in potency, the male body is stimulated to fight the disease.

For prostatitis, treatment should be carried out with the help of traditional medicine, which positively affects blood circulation. With their help, the degree of fullness of the vessels is normalized. These drugs are an integral part of a complex therapy. If a man has a chronic form of the disease, treatment is carried out with the use of antibiotics. For prostatitis, treatment is carried out with traditional drugs in the form of tetracyclines and broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Treatment of a man can be carried out with the help of tablets, suppositories, solutions, instillations, etc. Candles are characterized by an analgesic and antimicrobial effect. They are introduced into the anus after hygienic procedures. With the help of injections, the active substance of traditional medicine penetrates the affected area very quickly. They are able not only to strengthen the immune system, but also to eliminate signs of a pathological condition. Instillations belong to the category of procedures in which a traditional medicine is introduced into the body through the urinary canal. Of the tablets it is recommended to take tetracyclines, fluoroquinols, penicillins.

After completing the course, the representative of the stronger sex will experience an improvement in potency. He will notice a significant increase in the duration of intercourse. The level and quality of erection will increase significantly. To eliminate the disease, a variety of drugs can be used, depending on individual characteristics, symptoms and causes of its occurrence.

pills for prostatitis

How to treat prostatitis in men? In medical practice, there are many different methods in the fight against pathology, but the most effective is drug therapy. It lays the foundation for effective treatment of the disease and is supplemented with physiotherapeutic methods to achieve the maximum possible effect.

Based on the results of a preliminary examination, the specialist prescribes a complex of effective drugs that reduce the level of pain, improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, stabilize sexual performance and the functioning of the immune system, localize and eliminate themain causative agent. infection, reduce inflammatory reactions and prevent prostate congestion. They not only improve the well-being of the patient, but also contribute to his speedy recovery.

What drugs to treat prostatitis? Urologists, resorting to drug therapy, most often use antibiotics, drugs that improve blood circulation, painkillers, microclysters, hormonal drugs, suppositories and antidepressants. Let's talk more about their role.

Antibacterial drug treatment

man taking pills for prostatitis

Antibacterial therapy is a fairly effective method of treating prostate inflammation. It quickly and reliably localizes the infection that caused the inflammatory process and contributes to the rapid elimination of the main causative agent of the disease, in some cases is prescribed only if there are suitable indicators, as well aswith increased severity of manifestations of pathology and its periodic exacerbations.

How is prostatitis treated with antibiotics? The specialist, taking into account the sensitivity of the patient's bacterial flora, prescribes these drugs in combination with prostate massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy and a number of other medical products that increase immunity and relieve thepain. Antibiotics are taken for 28 weeks (at least) under the supervision of a doctor.

With parenchymal and follicular types of prostatitis, they are recommended in various combinations and in large doses until the desired clinical effect is achieved. There are broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs and drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones.

Fluoroquinolones and their role in effective treatment

capsules for prostatitis

Preparations of this group are used in the treatment of infectious and congestive prostatitis. Their significant advantage, compared to other antibacterial agents, includes a wider spectrum of antimicrobial action, the ability to accumulate in high concentrations in the prostate when taken orally. Fluoroquinolones do not cause immunodeficiency and are not prone to the development of microbial resistance.

How to treat the prostate with these antibacterial agents? Specialists prescribe them to patients after a thorough examination and identification of the exact cause of the pathology to provide a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Treatment with these drugs is carried out for four weeks under bacteriological and clinical control. The duration of their admission can be extended up to 16 weeks with positive results.

What drugs, in addition to antibiotics, should be treated for prostatitis? Experts also recommend the use of agents that improve microcirculation in the prostate.

Means that improve microcirculation in the prostate

pathogenic flora in prostatitis and its treatment with tablets

With bacterial and infectious inflammation of the prostate, antibacterial agents are considered the most effective. Such drugs are needed in almost all cases of acute prostatitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

Self-treatment with antibiotics, uncontrolled intake, use of such drugs on the advice of friends or on the Internet is strictly prohibited. Only a qualified doctor can determine which drugs are needed in a particular case based on the test results. Some patients require the combined use of several types of antibiotics. The determination of the type of drug, doses, treatment regimens and duration of treatment is solely within the competence of the urologist.

How and how to treat congestive prostatitis? It is better to resort to taking drugs that not only affect the microflora of the prostate, but also contribute to the restoration of microcirculation, improve the outflow of secretions from glandular flows, increase the intensity of metabolic processes in areasinflamed and general and local resistance.

These include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and decongestants.

The action of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These drugs are actively involved in the treatment of congestive and chronic prostatitis. They have a positive effect on microcirculation, improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, the outflow of secretions, reduce the inflammatory process, help normalize the quality of urination and sexual performance, increase potency and normalize the stategeneral physique of the patient.

Non-steroidal drugs can only be used on the prescription of the attending physician. Only he knows which pills treat prostatitis in each case. Self-medication will not bring positive results and will only aggravate the situation.

Decongestants - when are they appropriate?

drugs for prostatitis

Treatment with decongestants is aimed at reducing smooth muscle tone in the prostate and venous stasis in the pelvis. It is carried out in combination with physiotherapy exercises and requires an active lifestyle, a regular sex life with a regular partner, the cessation of interrupted sexual intercourse and the abandonment of bad habits.

Reception of decongestants is limited in venous varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and hemorrhoidal veins.

Only a urologist who knows the patient's medical history and has carefully studied the results of complex diagnostics can recommend them. Only he knows how to properly treat pathology. Other ill-informed specialists are helpless.

Analgesic therapy

In addition to antibiotics and agents that improve microcirculation in the prostate, prostatitis is also treated with drugs that reduce the degree of pain syndrome, which determines the patient's attitude to pathology and affects the manifestation of adepressed state. These include oral painkillers.

Oral analgesics and their place in the treatment of pathology

Oral pain relievers are medications taken by mouth. They have a temporary analgesic effect and change the tone of the gland. They are prescribed by urologists, depending on the degree of manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, while taking into account the patient's allergic reactions and comorbidities.

Instillation therapy

instillations for prostatitis

Instillation therapy is a set of techniques that allow you to directly and directly administer medication exactly as directed. Instillation involves the introduction of a special drug mixture, consisting of the same drugs as for oral administration, through a small opening in the urethra with a conventional syringe with a syringe or a soft hollow tube, allows theuse of a variety of means, the choice of which largely depends on the nature, stage and type of pathology, as well as the compatibility of the drugs administered.

The medicinal solutions used do not necessarily have to be pharmacological. Very often, the introduction of natural products is prescribed, for example, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil, which relieves inflammation, accelerates tissue healing and helps restore the functionality of the affected organ.

Therapy with suppositories

Candles have a pronounced psychotherapeutic, anti-inflammatory and membrane-stimulating effect, regardless of their composition. They not only relieve inflammation, but also several times reduce the degree of pain, improve the process of urination, blood circulation and outflow of secretions. How to treat the prostate more effectively: candles or pills?

Candles act much faster, since the medicinal substance contained in them penetrates in a sufficiently high concentration to the destination than the substances contained in conventional oral preparations. They also do not have a destructive effect on the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Microclysters as an Effective Way to Treat Inflamed Prostate Tissue

Microclysters are one of the most effective ways to treat inflammation of the gland.

They simultaneously have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, thermal and medicinal effects, contribute to rapid recovery and reduce pain several times. To achieve the maximum possible effect, doctors recommend using them in combination with antibiotic therapy, as the final stage of more active procedures.

Conditions for maximum drug effectiveness

In order for drug therapy to bring the maximum effect on prostatitis, experts advise:

prostate massage for prostatitis
  • isolate and determine with extreme accuracy the microflora causing the pathology, identify its susceptibility to antimicrobial agents;
  • choose the most effective drugs that cause a minimum of side effects;
  • determine the effective doses, methods and frequency of administration of the drug, taking into account the characteristics of its effect;
  • timely treat and conduct antimicrobial therapy of sufficient duration, providing the maximum possible result;
  • combining antibacterial drugs among themselves, with other drugs and procedures that enhance the antimicrobial effect, improve microcirculation in the prostate and reduce the incidence of complications;
  • conduct complex therapy taking into account the characteristics of the general state of health of the patient.

Regardless of which doctor treats prostatitis: urologist, sexologist, venereologist or andrologist, the patient should strictly follow these recommendations.

The results of treatment of prostatitis with drug therapy

Drug therapy is a treatment technique with a complex strategy and tactics that allow several times to increase the effectiveness of treatment. After its successful implementation, the patient's state of health improves several times, painful sensations disappear for some time, as a consequence - the absence of a depressed state and nervous tension.

In addition, drug therapy increases local and general resistance and guarantees long-term remission.

Expert advice and recommendations

How to recover from prostatitis faster and better?

Doctors recommend taking antibiotic therapy in addition to other therapeutic methods of treating infectious inflammation of the prostate. If the pathology was caused by factors such as psycho-emotional overload, frequent hypothermia, constant mental stress, sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition, then you need to start by regulating your lifestyle.

It is mandatory to apply physiotherapeutic methods and not to neglect the comorbidities that can cause prostatitis or provoke it. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate and use traditional medicine without prior agreement with your doctor.

Treatment of prostatitis requires an integrated approach: drug therapy combined with diet, active lifestyle, physiotherapy, prostate massage, physiotherapy exercises, symptomatic treatment, treatment of concomitant diseases andto psychotherapy will provide an immediate result and contribute to the rapid recovery of the patient.

What drugs can treat prostatitis at home

Drug treatment of inflammation of the prostate is considered the most effective. It can be started at any stage of the disease.

Drug therapy includes many drugs that treat prostatitis at home.


This includes tetracycline, penicillin type drugs. Their purpose depends on the current form of the disease. The specialist also pays attention to the type of inflammation - relapse or exacerbation. The action of antibiotics is aimed at eliminating the infection. Use drugs in suppositories, ointments, tablets, injections.

NSAIDs (nonsteroidal drugs)

The components of these drugs are diclofenac and ketaprofen. Used at the initial stage to relieve swelling, eliminate pain.

Alpha blockers

Preparations of this type relax the muscles of the urinary canal. They do not treat prostatitis, but eliminate the symptoms caused by the inflammatory process.


Medication relieves pain. The muscles of the perineum after taking this type of drug are smoothed and relaxed. Also at home, urination is normalized.


Appointed in order to soothe muscular tissues, muscles. Experts recommend men to take analgin twice a day - in the morning and at bedtime.

Macronutrients and vitamins

In the treatment of prostatitis, the immune status is important. If the immune system is weakened, the symptoms may be more severe. Vitamins and necessary elements are important for the male body.

Zinc. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is a natural immunomodulator. Middle-aged men almost always lack zinc. Deficiency of this necessary element can lead to problems with the urethra. Zinc is also present in food (red meat).

Vitamin A. With drug treatment, the doctor always prescribes vitamin A. It helps to restore the prostate, normalize the synthesis of testosterone. It is found in pumpkin and eggs.


These drugs normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system.

What else to take with prostatitis

The treatment of prostatitis is most often based on medication. They are effective, but in any case, the course of treatment will be at least a month. Sometimes it takes about a year to treat prostatitis, because a neglected disease can affect third organs of the genitourinary system.

The doctor prescribes not only broad-spectrum antispasmodics and antibiotics. Antidepressants and hormonal drugs are also considered. The former are necessary to support the nervous system of men, because when they hear the diagnosis of "prostatitis", they begin to worry, complexes arise about their insolvency. It is better to eliminate pronounced symptoms of prostatitis at home with the help of high-quality drugs, since the nervous system in men at this time is prone to psychoses and neuroses.

Hormonal drugs prescribed by a doctor correct the hormonal background in men. Inflammation of the prostate significantly "kills" the entire genitourinary system. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time and start treatment (taking medication).

Drug treatment of an inflamed prostate should be comprehensive. Two or three drugs with different actions are prescribed. Each of them affects certain functions. After the first dose of the drug, it is already possible to observe a decrease in pain, burning in the perineum. A week later, the man notices that his night's sleep after the initial prostatitis treatment has become more restful.

Treatment is based on antibiotic therapy. Based on the complaints of the man and his medical history, the urologist establishes a regimen of taking medication that will facilitate the man's life as quickly and gently as possible.

Any medication for prostatitis can be treated at home. For some drugs, the doctor writes a prescription, the rest can be purchased freely. Home treatment has a beneficial effect on the course of the disease. The main thing for men is to take the pills on time, to follow all the doctor's recommendations.